Fieldsports Britain – The Deer that Loves Hunting

Meet Owen. He’s a young red stag who thinks he is a beater. Raised by the shoot, he joins the beating line at the Mornacott Shoot in Devon and then pops down to meet the guns for a drink. Apart from a moment during the rut when he decided to mount one of the guns, […]
Pigeons over Rape with Andy Crow

Andy Crow has a pigeon problem on his oilseed rape crop – so much so that local shooters have been calling him up and asking if they can have a go. No they can’t. Andy and Sporting Shooter editor Dom Holtam set out the decoys for what turns into the best day of the year […]
Fabulous pheasants (and deer) at Mornacott Shoot

The Mornacott Estate in Devon provides driven pheasant, partridge and duck shooting days. We join a team of guns in January, and we meet the newest recruit to the shoot’s beating team – a red deer! This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 269. To watch the whole show go to