Fieldsports Britain – Why’s Crow Spitting Feathers?

Fieldsports Britain – Why’s Crow Spitting Feathers?

We are back on the pigeons with Andy Crow. It has been quite a break, but he has a pea crop to protect and new kit from Beretta, Jack Pyke and UK Shoot Warehouse to protect it with. It’s not all fun fun fun, however. We have a tragedy to report. Meanwhile, Charlie is off […]

Pigeons with a ShotKam

Pigeons with a ShotKam

We are back in the pigeon hide, shooting pigeons. Andy Crow is protecting his pea crop and he has a ShotKam to help him do it. For Beretta, visit For Jack Pyke, go to For Gamebore, it’s And UK Shoot Warehouse is  

Brexit or Remain – which is worse for hunters and shooters?

Brexit or Remain – which is worse for hunters and shooters?

Which way are you going to vote on 23 June 2016? Brexit or Remain? Here is Fieldsports Channel’s guide to which is worse for hunting and shooting: the EU government or the British government. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 341. To watch the whole show go to


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