Crow Buck

Crow Buck

What a combination: Andy Crow and Jason Doyle head out roestalking on a lovely warm day in the south of England. Andy is sponsored by: ▶ Blaser ▶ Gamebore ▶ UKShootWarehouse ▶ Jack Pyke This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 441. To watch the whole show go to […]

Rest, Relaxation & Roe Therapy

Rest, Relaxation & Roe Therapy

Deer manager Paul Childerley is in Gloucestershire to stalk and cull roebucks. On a glorious English summer’s evening, what better way is there to shake off the cares of the world? The buck season is well underway and he wants to bring down numbers before the crops grow and they become hard to spot. He […]

Fieldsports Britain – Spring Roebuck

Fieldsports Britain – Spring Roebuck

Everyone’s hunting British bucks. Paul Childerley is out on his ground in Gloucestershire, looking for cull roebucks. On the other side of England, Jason Doyle and Andy Crow team up to find bucks in Kent. And out how they get on. Plus we have a bumper News Stump this week, leading on the BBC’s recruitment […]

Packham’s fake news over Fred

Packham’s fake news over Fred

Did animal rights activists stage the death of Fred? On 15th February 2018, BBC presenter Chris Packham released a film on YouTube suggesting that a golden eagle he calls Fred, hatched last year, was killed by a gamekeeper. Its satellite tag, maybe still attached to the eagle carcase, was apparently dumped in the North Sea. […]


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