Hare shoot – massive pest control day
On the Swedish island of Ven, hares reach pest proportions. They have no natural predators. There are no foxes on the island so, every year, the islanders hold giant hare shoots to keep down numbers. Charlie Jacoby takes part. ▶ For Aimpoint, visit Aimpoint.com Click here for all of Charlie’s films This film was first […]
Mark Winser on winning that Range Rover – Smokin’ Targets Game Flavoured
How did Mark Winser shoot a 25 straight on the Royal Berkshire Shooting School high tower and win a Stratstone Range Rover? He tells his story. ▶ The film is sponsored by Gamebore Gamebore.com ▶ We filmed it at Royal Berkshire Shooting School RBSS.co.uk ▶ For Mark Winser Coaching, visit MarkWinser.co.uk/ ▶ Click here for […]
Fieldsports Britain – Where Hares and Pheasants are Pests
Charlie is off on a hare shoot. He is on the Swedish island of Ven for one of their major annual hare clean-up days. The animals have no other predators, so it’s up to the humans to do the job, or the farms suffer. Meanwhile, Mark Winser talks through the winning style that earned him […]