Mayor’s hunting show ban – Fieldsports Channel News, 9 October 2019
Here are the links British Shooting Show ban – Fieldsports News Antis won’t save black rhino – Facebook Zac Goldsmith to drive through foreign hunting tourism ban – Parliament TV Animal rights activists his abattoirs Antis ‘pre-beat’ game shoots – Facebook Grousemoors good, says science – PDF Anti-shooting doctors refuse to approve gun licences […]
The Chinese try Scottish deerstalking – and they love it
He Li is a target shooter and he has been on a few lowland stalks. This is his first time on the hill in the Highlands of Scotland. It is the red deer rut and he is looking for a stag, guided by professional deerstalker John Dodd. ▶ To go stalking with John, visit […]
Chamois with Swarovski
The beautiful mountains around Swarovski’s optics factory are alive with chamois. The numbers are large enough that they need to be managed. Albert has worked as a professioanl hunter for Swarovski for decades. He takes professional deerstalker Darren Phizacklea out to try for one. Plus Darren gets to try out Swarovski’s new dS riflescope. Click […]
Fieldsports Britain – Hunting High in the Hills
Two kinds of hunting in this week’s show: professional stalker Phiz Phizacklea is out in the Austrian Alps after chamois. Meanwhile, a newcomer to deerstalking tries his luck with pro stalker John Dodd in the Highlands of Scotland after a red stag. In Austria, here are plenty of animals – the problem for Phiz is […]
British Shooting Show Liverpool banned
First it was hunting tourism they didn’t like, now it’s legal gun ownership. After successfully banning the British Shooting Show Liverpool from taking place in 2020, the Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, made it his mission to ban gun shows and game fairs across the UK. Announced last week, the British Shooting Liverpool was […]