Poaching, poison and politicians: the real threats to the rhino

youtu.be/0EZZvKZYlhk A gangster in an expensive coat and a Lincoln Model L stops on a bridge on the Canadian border. He is there to meet a lorry from Canada and check its shipment of whiskey. What he doesn’t know is that Eliot Ness and his ‘Untouchables’ cops are waiting in a nearby building, and the […]
Mark Winser wins the 2021 World Championship at EJ Churchill

www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWFPxJyT3IM Never mind the football. The real drama on Sunday night was at EJ Churchill in West Wycombe.Mark Winser took the World English Sporting Championship in a dramatic six-way shoot-off that went down to the wire, with everything hanging on the very last shot. We follow Mark’s progress through the shoot-off, and talk to Rob […]
Calling in deer with dog toys

www.youtube.com/watch?v=53lV-53NZpw When it comes to roe calls, you can go expensive with a buttolo call, or you can go cheap. Deer manager Tom Davies does just that, seeing if he can call in roe using a squeaky dog toy – and Charlie tries out a Swanee whistle. Plus they are now looking for a record […]
British wildlife park where you can eat the antelope

www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6PVdscZq_w Watatunga is the new home of sensible exotic wildlife management in the UK. You can’t see lions and tigers – but you can see the antelope and deer that lions and tigers eat, many of them as rare as the big cats themselves. And you can eat the animals they cull, too. Paul Childerley […]
Fieldsports Britain – thermal safari

www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDWKBCVxLlQ Imagine a wildlife park where you can eat the antelope. There is one – and it’s in Norfolk. Watatunga Wildlife Reserve outside King’s Lynn is home to rare species including hog deer, lechwe and sitatunga plus birds such as the great bustard. The park takes a realistic view of deer and antelope management, so […]
#LetsLearnMoor – Fieldsports News, 14 July 2021

www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Fo5FSjI8E Here are the links:Schoolkids learn about grouseshooting and uplands – BASC + Facebook‘Animal sentience’ bill hits the buffers – ParliamentKenya denies knowledge of Kent elephant airlift plan – iNews + GuardianCampaigners want to ban elephants from UK zoos – SkyBPCA to consult members about gull fiasco – Pest Magazine + ZoomBorth zoo forced to […]
How the French face the anti-hunting threat – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 42

youtu.be/uX6WGwTfvdk While British antis put on black balaclavas and carry martial arts weapons, in France they put on clown masks and carry chainsaws. It’s a lot more dangerous and a lot more impassioned. How do you face this threat in the media? Step forward Richard sur Terre, a YouTube channel that has become one of […]