How Facebook and Instagram are trying to kill off shooting

How Facebook and Instagram are trying to kill off shooting

by Charlie Jacoby British Olympic hopeful Courtney Palmer-Jones speaks for all shooters when she complains that Facebook’s restrictions on guns are ‘a form of censorship’. Her interview appears on the BBC website. She is a victim of pointless, virtue-signalling by social media execs, a growing trend that does nothing to keep society safe from nutters […]

Stalking a roe for its cuts

Stalking a roe for its cuts

Chef José Souto knows how to present game. He can take a roebuck and make it look as appetising as any cut of meat gracing the plate in a quality restaurant. He demonstrates how he butchers a roe carcass, selecting cuts from the haunch that he says taste better than the loin. Then he takes […]

Fishing against Packham

Fishing against Packham

Fieldsports member Nick Edwards is flyfishing for trout on the river Itchen with Fieldsports Channel’s news editor Andy Ford, who also happens to be an England international fly angler. Nick bought the day in our auction last year, when we were raising funds to fight a legal attack by Chris Packham. To watch all of […]

Fieldsports Britain – José and Paul out for a buck

Fieldsports Britain – José and Paul out for a buck

José Souto takes Paul roestalking and teaches him how to get the best from a haunch. Fieldsports member Nick Edwards is trout fishing on the Itchen with Andy Ford, a day that he bought in our auction to support us against Chris Packham last year. Facebook and Instagram seem to be set on closing down […]

Brian May badger documentary furore – Fieldsports News, 21 August 2024

Brian May badger documentary furore  – Fieldsports News, 21 August 2024

Here are the links: Fears over Brian May BBC badger documentary – BBC, and Countryside Alliance No action over Packham’s Barclays outburst – Telegraph Moorland fires death fears – Regional Moorland Groups Rigby suffers Facebook ban – and Free deerstalking qualification – and YouTube Scotland deer pilot scheme launched – Nature.Scot and BASC […]

Pro pest control: how to choose an FAC air rifle

Pro pest control: how to choose an FAC air rifle

James Head from Crackshot compares a Daystate Red Wolf HP 60 ft/lb, a Daystate Wolverine R 30 ft/lb and a BRK Ghost 30 ft/lb. For more from Crackshot, visit More from Crackshot here:


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