Knocking over foxes in Co Wexford

Knocking over foxes in Co Wexford

Stephen Dunbar and Jason Doyle are up early to look for foxes and check the larsen traps. When the ewes start lambing in Ireland, it’s all hands to trap and gun to keep the vermin away. Stephen uses Viperflex sticks and Hausken moderators, imported into Ireland by John Lambert, tel: (086) 261 6907 For the […]

Rabbit from field to barbecue

Rabbit from field to barbecue

Stephen Dunbar and Jason Doyle go to a dairy farm in Co Wexford to shoot rabbits for the table. Stephen shows a quick way to paunch a bunny – by treating it like a piping bag. Stephen uses Viperflex sticks and Hausken moderators, imported into Ireland by John Lambert, tel: (086) 261 6907 For the […]

Foxes, magpies and rabbits – Fieldsports Ireland, episode 10

Foxes, magpies and rabbits – Fieldsports Ireland, episode 10

We’re shooting foxes, trapping magpies and then shooting rabbits in this month’s Fieldsports Ireland. Jason Doyle has put together a Stephen Dunbar double bill, as Stephen tidies up pests around the farm, protecting lambing sheep. Here are the links: ▶ Foxes Stephen uses Viperflex sticks and Hausken moderators, imported into Ireland by John Lambert, tel: […]


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