Bullet drop: the maths made easy
How come you shoot up hill and there is less bullet drop than shooting on the horizontal? How come you get the same effect when you shoot down hill? Professors Jason Doyle and Will O’Meara explain the theory – and puts it into practice with a rifle and a steel gong (OK – they’re not […]
Pigeon decoying over oilseed rape
Irish pigeonshooting guru Stephen Dunbar talks Jason Doyle through a December day over oilseed rape. The pigeons are feeding on and damaging the crop. With the sun and the wind on their back, and the feeding area in front of them, Stephen and Jason can try out different patterns to see what pulls them in. […]
On Test: Ridgeline Clothing
Will O’Meara and Jason Doyle go on a two-day backpack hunt in the Wicklow Mountains in winter weather conditions. They are after sika as part of Will and Jason’s cull plan for deer in the area. Why put themselves through it? Ridgeline Clothing wants the guys to crawl in its clothing through filthy bog conditions […]
December Irish shooting sport – Fieldsports Ireland, episode 5
For Fieldsports Ireland episode 5, Jason Doyle is out after pigeons over oilseed rape and sika in the Wicklow mountains. The pigeons are coming in well and Jason enlists the help of pigeon guide Stephen Dunbar to explain how he decoys and shoots them. By the time Jason gets into the Wicklow mountains, the temperature […]