Fieldsports Nation Weekly News Bulletin

Fieldsports Nation Weekly News Bulletin

🤓 David rounds up the top stories from around the fieldsports world: ➡️Animal rights protesters bully the The British Shooting Show and disrupt Taste of Game evening in Derby. ➡️ Conservatives drop their commitment to repeal Tony Blair’s hunt ban, and plan a new rural police force, the Office for Environmental protection, to crack down […]



A TV show for airgunners about airguns. It’s got reviews, news, hunting features, competitions and fun stuff – every two weeks, Thursdays at 7pm, go to or get it via any of these links Here are the shows: [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PL3KxM9c3T7K-rylR2vb5jUAalZxzSohO0″ videowidth=”640″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”light” color=”white” autoplay=”0″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”1″ maxitems=”98″ thumbwidth=”185″ thumbratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”0″ description=”0″ […]

Club Digweed, episode 1

Club Digweed, episode 1

For a technical talk-through shooting technique from probably the best shooter the world has ever seen, it’s the first episode of the Club Digweed monthly TV shows. Future episodes will be members only, via Club Digweed member benefits include: ✩ Discounted entry and Club Digweed special offers to shooting grounds. ✩ Annual subscription to […]

Carp Angling Experts

Carp Angling Experts

Park lakes and urban fishing are all the rage in social carp circles at the moment. Who else to get us out on the bank other than top carp boys Tony Smeets and Darryll Slater? With the biggest bait boat you have ever seen, joggers, dog walkers and even crowds of onlookers they get to […]


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