Leupold RX-1600i laser rangefinder & BX-5 Santiam HD binoculars, reviewed by Jason Doyle

youtu.be/ZISduVBPS94 These days Jason Doyle uses a European brand of binoculars with a built-in rangefinder, so it felt like going back to basics when he tested these separate Leupold binoculars and rangefinder – but he was pleasantly surprised. “The BX-5 Santiam HD binoculars have superb optical quality,” he says. “They’d compare with European binos costing […]
Leupold VX-5HD 3-15×56 riflescope reviewed by Jason Doyle

Jason Doyle has been using this Leupold VX-5 scope for two years, so he’s had plenty of time to give it a really thorough test – and he loves it. “Every now and then something comes along that suits you down to the ground. The VX-5 does everything I want my scope to do, and […]
Ruger American Hunter rifle with Magpul stock, reviewed by Jason Doyle

youtu.be/QZXy8MyC8XA Jason Doyle was keen to try the Ruger American Hunter rifle with its Magpul stock. “I had a lightweight Ruger American in .308 a few years ago, and really liked it,” he says. “I was always impressed by its accuracy.” His only problem with that rifle was the stock, which was smaller and lighter […]