Anti hunters make mistake after mistake

Anti hunters make mistake after mistake

It has been a bad week for animal rights extremists. One group wants to stop pest control at a supermarket, others are calling for an end to the cruel practice of clay pigeon shooting, and Cheshire Police has released a statement saying don’t trust anti-hunting posts you read online. A group of antis are trying […]

Hunter attacked on Irish radio

Hunter attacked on Irish radio

Irish radio show hosts have attacked a caller who revealed he enjoys hunting. The consumer watchdog show Liveline encourages callers to complain about poor service. When a caller called ‘Frank’ said he had lost 100 bullets worth €700 on an Air France flight to Zimbabwe, instead of trying to help him out, the radio show […]

Catapult kit – best balls for hunting

Catapult kit – best balls for hunting

Cattyshack man Wayne Martin talks balls this week: why to use lead, why steel and how big they need to be. ▶ For more about Wayne’s slingshots, visit ▶ Wayne is sponsored by Jack Pyke. Visit Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets you Fieldsports Channel membership. Click here This item […]

The game cart – Modern Gamekeeper #6

The game cart – Modern Gamekeeper #6

Out shooting driven partridges and pheasants? Gamekeeper Paul Childerley explains the importance of presenting birds, and why you should take care of birds on the game cart. Modern Gamekeeper’s sponsors are: Marsdens Remington Shooterking Barnes VOR-TX ammunition To go shooting on Paul’s shoot, visit Click here for all of Paul’s […]

Best of British: gun cabinet maker

Best of British: gun cabinet maker

Blake Fewster makes some of the prettiest in-car gun cabinets that money can buy. Charlie Jacoby meets him, finds out about his cabinets and picks up top tips on how to bring a shine back to a scratched gunstock. ▶ For more, go to ▶ Click here for more of Charlie’s films ▶ Join the Fieldsports […]

Thermal squirrel hunt

Thermal squirrel hunt

Roy is after a variety of pests with FX airgun mounted with Pulsar Trail LRF thermal scope. He has squirrels, rats and even a fox in his sights. ▶ For more about FX Airguns – the FX Impact and FX Crown – in the UK, visit ▶ For the Pulsar Accolade XP50 binoculars and […]

Industrial rat shoot

Industrial rat shoot

Roy’s out at the dump controlling rats. He is putting new FX airguns and Pulsar optics through their paces, with the help of Jonathan Fox from Intelligent Pest Control. ▶ For more about FX Airguns – the FX Impact and FX Crown – in the UK, visit ▶ For the Pulsar Accolade XP50 binoculars […]

Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s Rodent Rampage

Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s Rodent Rampage

Roy Lupton is solving a pest problem this week. He has the latest Pulsar thermal kit plus an FX airgun, and he is out after rats, squirrels – and even a fox crosses his path. Meanwhile, as the game shooting season in the UK comes to a close, Paul Childerley shows how he presents birds […]


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