Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s Rodent Rampage

Roy Lupton is solving a pest problem this week. He has the latest Pulsar thermal kit plus an FX airgun, and he is out after rats, squirrels – and even a fox crosses his path. Meanwhile, as the game shooting season in the UK comes to a close, Paul Childerley shows how he presents birds on a game cart, and how respect for the bird if part of shooting. Top cabinet maker Blake Fewster explains the thinking behind his range of in-car gun cabinets. And Wayne Martin has the latest thinking about catapult balls. Yup, really. Hunting YouTube and News make up a bumper crop for this week’s #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links:

Thermal hunt

For more about FX Airguns – the FX Impact and FX Crown – in the UK,visit
For the Pulsar Accolade XP50 binoculars and Trail XP50 thermal scope visit
Click here for all our films with Roy
And here’s the last one, from episode 465:

Gun cabinets

For more, go to
Click here for more of Charlie’s films

Modern Gamekeeper

Modern Gamekeeper’s sponsors are:
Barnes VOR-TX ammunition
To go shooting on Paul’s shoot, visit
Click here for all of Paul’s films on Fieldsports Channel

Slingshot balls

For more about Wayne’s slingshots, visit
Wayne is sponsored by Jack Pyke. Visit

▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets you Fieldsports Channel membership on YouTube. Click here

News is sponsored by Percussion
Roy Lupton on QI quiz show
Liveline radio show attacks hunter
‘Persecuted’ hen harrier found alive and well
Doctor’s surgery is ‘conscientious objector’ to legal gun ownership
Antis want to stop Sainsbury’s from culling feral pigeons
Clay-coloured pigeons are not clay pigeons (for real)
Blaser launches R8 in .22LR
Derbyshire arrests suspected poachers
Cheshire Police says don’t trust antis
Denmark builds ‘pig-proof’ wall
Chris Packham angers his #realnewforest neighbours
For a full news round-up, go to

▶ Here are the films in Hunting YouTube:



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