Hornady Precision Hunter

The Precision Hunter cartridge from Hornady is only the delivery vehicle for its ELD-X bullet range. Anything you read about Precision Hunter should dwell on the ELD-X and so that’s what we are going to do here. ELD-X stands for ‘Extremely Low Drag – eXpanding’. It’s Hornady’s all-range plastic-tipped hunting bullet design, and goes into […]
Best rifle ammunition of 2020

Fieldsports Channel’s viewers are loyal to their ammunition brands and we have the proof Once they find a rifle cartridge they like, they stick to it. During the coronavirus lockdown of 2020, we surveyed our viewers about the kit they use. We received more than 3,500 responses. Of these, 616 respondents expressed a preference for […]
Night vision pest control success

Ever wondered how much damage wild rabbits can do and what you can do to control them? We’re with Somerset farmer Richard Payne using N550 night vision and a .22LR in order to clear a 21-acre field of rabbits that have munched their way through 16 acres of rape. The advantage of the digisight is […]
How to get duck flying fit, with George Digweed

20 times world champion shooter George Digweed likes doing things well and that includes presenting the best birds possible on his game shoots. We join George with his gamekeepers as he shows what’s involved in getting ducks flying fit. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 146. To watch the whole show go […]
No backing down in Baildon battle, says BASC

BASC is fighting an attempt by Bradford City Council to silence criticism of its moorland management. The organisation received a letter from the council’s legal department demanding the removal of a blog which questioned why Baildon Moor was being mown by a tractor at a critical time of the year for ground-nesting birds. In addition, […]