Fieldsports Channel’s viewers are loyal to their ammunition brands and we have the proof
Once they find a rifle cartridge they like, they stick to it.
During the coronavirus lockdown of 2020, we surveyed our viewers about the kit they use. We received more than 3,500 responses. Of these, 616 respondents expressed a preference for rifle ammunition. Only 3% of them said they didn’t care what ammo they use.
Here are the winners:
We asked questions about bullet and cartridge killability, accuracy and value for money. This is what you said:
So what animals do Fieldsports Channel viewers shoot? We had nearly 700 responses to that question.
Only two-thirds of the deerstalkers are also foxshooters (does that mean one-third of deerstalkers are red-coated foxhunters who wouldn’t dream of shooting a fox?).
How about the manufacturers? How many loyal buyers do they have? Out of our 700 rifleshooters, 50 shoot only foxes – nothing else. They use a variety of ammunition from different manufacturers. If there is one trend it is that they favour Hornady’s plastic-tipped V-Max bullets, whether the cartridges they come in are made by Hornady, Norma or Fiocchi. On Test: the Sako Gamehead Pro: Here is a visit to the Sako factory in Finland to see how they are made: With RWS, Norma and GECO the same company, you could call them the market leaders, because they have 17% of the market between them. Norma makes its ammunition in Sweden and we visited the factory in this film: We visited the RWS factory in Germany and made this film:
Are you an ammunition manufacturer or distributor who wants to buy the results of this survey (names and addresses stripped out)? Please click here for our shop and instant download
Below are some of our Fieldtester rifle cartridge reviews:
What are people saying about bullets?
Editor’s choice