The story behind John Macnab – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 55
John Macnab, the 1925 novel by John Buchan, has inspired an entire subculture of imitators, including the taking of a salmon, grouse (or brace) and stag on one day on an estate. John Buchan’s granddaughter Ursula Buchan comes to the Game Fair Theatre to tell Charlie Jacoby the novel’s back story, and a little of […]
Welsh Government turns its back on countryside The Welsh government says it no longer supports shooting sports, which casts doubt on the future of huge swathes of the Welsh countryside. Shooting organisations including the National Gamekeepers Organisation are seeking urgent meetings with Welsh ministers in order to find out if this is ignorance or simply political posturing. The NGO’s Tim Weston […]
Pheasant cook-off: top chef Tim Maddams vs the Country Food Trust’s Tim Woodward It’s a pheasant cookery competition. Two cooks get a basket of ingredients, including pheasant breasts. Top chef Tim Maddams and outgoing boss of the Country Food Trust and keen amateur cook Tim Woodward are engaged in a cook-off. Who can produce the best pheasant dish for a panel of judges? For more about the […]
Vegan hunts Christmas lunch Katie Hargeaves used to stick to a plant-based diet. Then she discovered venison – wild, sustainable, low food miles, and she is entirely in charge of her meat’s welfare in its last few minutes of life. She is out with pro deerstalker Paul Childerley, looking for a cull Chinese water deer with Paul’s Sako […]
Fieldsports Britain – What Katie did next Wildlife artist Katie Hargreaves was vegan. Then she took up deerstalking. Now she is an ‘ethical eater’ – only eating the meat she shoots herself. Paul Childerley takes her out after a Chinese water deer. She is shooting her Christmas lunch. Plus they get to play with Hikmicro’s latest kit. Talking of lunch, we […]
Bungling police in gun grab muddle – Fieldsports News, episode 629 Here are the links: Devon & Cornwall Police sends out wrong revocations – Fieldsports News Countryfile attacks game meat marketing – BBC + Daily Express + The Sun Balmoral offers game meat to Storm Arwen victims – Fieldsports News DEFRA aligns with animal rights extremists – Fieldsports News Politicians vote against animal bill – […]