Gun grab and gun surrender: two extremes of British police gun policy

Gun grab and gun surrender: two extremes of British police gun policy

by Charlie Jacoby You can see the relief on Gary Ivey’s face. Until eight months ago, he had been a firearm certificate holder. He was allowed to own rifles so he could go deerstalking, shotguns so he could enjoy clay pigeon and pheasant shooting, and he used his guns for pest control. That’s a social […]

Shooting uphill and downhill – Ballistic Tips with Braces

Shooting uphill and downhill – Ballistic Tips with Braces

In the final episode of this series of rifleshooting tips, Josh McKeown from Braces of Bristol explains how shooting uphill or downhill affects your point of impact. We filmed this at the Braces of Bristol range. Braces offers a wide range of shooting products. Go to For Braces’ rifle open day on 11 June […]

Cai’s wild shopping trips – Sussex fallow buck

Cai’s wild shopping trips – Sussex fallow buck

Imagine an extra aisle in your local supermarket. Instead of plastic-packed meat in chillers, it’s a woodland ride with deer browsing along it. That’s how deerstalker Cai Ap Bryn stocks his larder.  He is out to shoot a fallow buck next to woodland in the South-East of England, so his catering company, Game & Flames, […]

Fieldsports Britain – click-bang and collect

Fieldsports Britain – click-bang and collect

While others go to the shops, Cai goes to the woods. He needs venison for his catering business and the woods can supply it better and more sustainably than the shops. He is stalking fallow in the rolling hills of Sussex. Meanwhile, Josh McKeown explains how to shoot uphill and downhill at Brace’s range outside […]

Lead shot ban hangs over shooting – Fieldsports News, 11 May 2022

Lead shot ban hangs over shooting – Fieldsports News, 11 May 2022

Here are the links: UK shooters urged to take action over lead ban proposals – HSE consultation + Fieldsports News UK drops trophy imports ban – Queen’s Speech + Jagen + + YouTube + NY Senate South Downs breeding project boosts falling curlew numbers – GWCT + Guardian Badger tries to steal a lamb […]

Steel yourself: the Westminster government is having a pop at lead shot

Steel yourself: the Westminster government is having a pop at lead shot

by Deborah Hadfield British shooting organisations may not unanimously agree on a future for lead ammunition – but they all want shooters to respond to the Health & Safety Executive’s report on banning it.  The HSE has brought out a report (and vast annex to that report, together totalling 467 pages) proposing a ban on […]


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