Baby rhino update, from Rockwood – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 81

Baby rhino update, from Rockwood – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 81 In 2022, rangers at Rockwood Conservation in South Africa brought in a frightened, sick newborn rhino. Crows had pecked at its eyes. Miraculously, vets saved some of its sight. They named the animal ‘Hope’. Wicus Diederichs from Rockwood reports on Hope’s progress and how […]
Is Prince Harry sending 2,000 rhinos to their deaths? US wildlife organisation African Parks (president: Prince Harry) plans to release 2,000 southern white rhino into wildlife parks across Africa. Stephen Palos from SUCO asks whether African Parks has thought this one through – or are the animals being presented with a ribbon around them to organised crime to poach the animals for their […]
Quickfire rabbits Tom Davies shows off fast shooting with a .17HMR, controlling rabbits on farmland in Devon. He has a new rifle and he has to zero his Pulsar Thermion 2 thermal scope on to it, and then fulfil an order for rabbits. Charlie is not helping… For more about Pulsar, go to You […]
Webley & Scott Pro Comp: an affordable competition clay gun

What do you have to spend on a new shotgun for serious clay competition? £2,000? £2,500? That was the entry level price, but now there’s a contender at little more than half the cost, and with a good solid British name to boot: the Webley & Scott Pro Comp. Dan Bibb of Shooting Sports UK […]
Thermal night vision fusion on deer Essex foxshooter Robert Bucknell and his deerstalking buddy Nigel Fulton make their judgement about the new thermal / night vision fusion available from HIKMicro, plus Nigel takes it out to try for a fallow buck. For more from HIKMicro about the Falcon FQ50 Pro monocular, and the binocular Raptor Pro RQ50L with a built-in […]
Fieldsports Britain – old boys, new kit Two old men are getting to grips with modern thermal this week. Robert Bucknell and Nigel Fulton have the latest from HIKMicro to try out on deer. Meanwhile, Tom Davies is on Dartmoor with kit from Pulsar on the hunt for rabbits. He puts in some pretty shooting to make his bag in record […]
Are empty bullet cases banned? – Fieldsports News, 4 October 2023 Here are the links: Are empty bullet cases banned? BASC says no Scotland brings in new laws on deer and hounds – links: Application form for the use of more than two dogs for the management of wild mammals above ground + licensing guidance + preventing serious damage application form Rural Reaction targets Tories […]