‘Ban hunting tourism,’ says Boris – Fieldsports News, 2 October 2019

In this week’s news:

Boris Johnson cracks down on hunting tourism – The Times
Two British Shooting Shows in 2020 ShootingShow.co.uk
Antis frightening hunters – Facebook
Animal rights grabs Extinction Rebellion – website
Arsonists hit ‘farmer of the year’ – Farmers’ Weekly
Belvoir Hunt keeps its Boxing Day meet – Grantham Journal
EBay bans shotgun chokes
Poaching in the Forest of Dean – news
Swedish schools get wild boar meat – news
Sporting raffle for future Scottish rugby star – Facebook
Danish farmers blame wolves for killing horses – news
New Zealand further tightens gun laws
Alaskan kids get roadkill moose meat – Facebook
South Korean soldiers hunt wild boar
Woman climbs into lion cage at zoo – Instagram

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