
First cut foxes

The first silage has been cut, and Tom Davies of Dartmoor Deer Services is taking advantage of the new vistas that have opened up, having

Tom Davies’ three fox night

It’s January on Dartmoor and foxshooter Tom Davies has to take out the foxes that are threatening the spring lambing. He says that, recently, he

Somerset foxshooting night

With pheasants out in shoots and eager young foxes looking for an easy meal, Jaf and Paul Jefferson from the South Somerset Ferreters step up

Giant London fox shot

Vermin controllers have shot an unusually large fox on a south London golf course. Ross Vanner sends in this picture of the 27lb animal next

Fox, Fox and Badger Lamping

Fox, Fox and Badger Lamping

Roy Lupton and his mate Chris take an American out foxshooting for the first time. The foxes have been killing lambs locally, and it is

Roy’s Thermal Foxshoot

Roy Lupton is hunting down the foxes that are feasting on lambs. He is armed with thermal and lamp, and on patrol around a farm

Fox Shooting with George Digweed

Top clay shooter George Digweed is also an ace rifle shot. We join him foxshooting in Sussex. This film first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode

Spring Foxshooting

Roy Lupton is hunting the foxes that are feeding off lambs in his part of Kent. The farms he looks after are under extra pressure

Cai’s new hunting ground

Cai Ap Bryn and Johan Trygve ‘Trigger’ Solheim are looking for animals on Cai’s new ground in the South of England. Cai is using trail

Dorset Foxshooter

There’s a big, fat fox taking ducks on a shoot, and other foxes congregating in the lambing fields. It all means work for Dorset foxshooter

High-fiving foxshooters

Two shooters from Somerset are on fox patrol around a shoot when they come across a foxshooting field of dreams. Find out how Stephen Phillips

AR Foxshooting in Essex

The rabbits have taken over a nice garden in Essex, and the foxes aren’t far behind. Who you going to call? Roger Lait. He has


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