Vermin controllers have shot an unusually large fox on a south London golf course. Ross Vanner sends in this picture of the 27lb animal next to a smaller fox. He was lamping for his friend Graeme.
Meanwhile, BBC TV presenter Chris Packham has accused the fieldsports community of spreading fear with giant fox stories. Writing on the website of the Fox Project, of which he is a patron, Packham says the reports “should not be taken seriously” because “no independent verification exists”.
The UK record is this 38lb 1oz fox shot by a farmer in Aberdeen.
We have run images of some truly enormous foxes in the past.
Ashley Bailey from Devon shot this monster with a Remington .22-250, sent in by his shooting mate Aaron Trist. Ashley is 5 foot 8 inches tall.
Here’s our story which kicked off the big fox interest: a 26lb fox in Kent in 2011.
We followed it up with this episode of Fieldsports Britain, including an interview with Dennis Rowsell who shot a 34lb fox in Somerset in 2013.
Then in 2012, Roy Lupton shot a 35lb in Kent, which we recorded here: