Pheasants and partridges

Michaela Hunts Black Cock

Michaela Fialova is out after black cocks in Sweden. She learns how to shoot them, skin them and cook them with the people from Camp

Cabot’s tragopan

Cabot’s tragopan

It is the story of as rare pheasant. Here is how the World Pheasant Association is running a breeding project in the UK in order

Bornean peacock-pheasant

Bornean peacock-pheasant

The rarest and least-known of the peacock-pheasants, here is how the World Pheaant Association is running a breeding project in the UK in order to

Last day of the pheasants

Last day of the pheasants

Fancy a day’s driven pheasant shooting? The 2015-2016 season ends with a 300-bird beaters’ day, and the shoot that Andy Crow knows and loves most

Malayan peacock-pheasant

Malayan peacock-pheasant

The Malayan peacock-pheasant also known as crested peacock-pheasant or Malaysian peacock-pheasant is critically endangered. Step forward the World Pheasant Association which is working hard to

Michaela gets some beating…

Michaela gets some beating…

Michaela gets some beating… on a pheasant shoot. The beaters are the people who make the birds fly for the guns. The top hunting star

Fast-action rough shooting

Fast-action rough shooting

Woodcock, pheasants and squirrels: you never know what’s going to turn up on a walked-up shoot, nor where it is going to come from. We

Beaters’ day: shoot all you can

Beaters’ day: shoot all you can

Andy Crow is enjoying a driven pheasant shooting day in Kent and posing the question: how heavy is Britain biggest pheasant. He shoots a four-pounder

Driven Pheasant at Altcar Estate

Driven Pheasant at Altcar Estate

One of Britain’s great sporting estates, Altcar in Lancashire, is reborn as a driven pheasant and partridge estate. We join guns on a day here,

The McDougal sporting challenge

Shoots across the country are diversifying, playing to their strengths and offering more than just well presented birds. At the Ashbourne estate in Sussex the

Partridge shooting with tanks

As a thank you to the forces serving in Afghanistan, the shoot at Sedgeford Hall on the Norfolk coast invite the locally based soldiers as

Canal Game Farm

Canal Game Farm

A thriving game farm that takes great pride in producing pheasant poults, partridge poults (chicks) and mallard growers. Situated five miles south of Ashford in

Shooting 10 species in a day

Shooting 10 species in a day

Were with eight guns in the Borders of Scotland on or about Britain’s shortest day and after Britain’s biggest bag: snipe, woodcock, pheasant, grouse, mallard,

How to shoot walked-up birds

How to shoot walked-up birds

It’s all very well going roughshooting but the birds never quite do what you expect, bursting from your feet and going away at any angle

Pheasant shooting in Kent

The proof of the pudding is in the eating or, in this case, the shooting. Canal Game Farm’s birds are on shoots all over the

How to clip pheasants

How to clip pheasants

It’s August at Canal Game and the gang has to fulfil an order for 1,500 pheasants for a Hampshire shoot – but this time the

White pheasants

Canal Game Farm is producing them for estates all over the country – the white pheasant is (a) a useful marker for other birds or

How to shoot partridge

How to shoot partridge

Alan Rose shows how to hit low partridges when they are comin atcha. Alan works for the world-famous West London Shooting School, once the home


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