Panellists on the new countrysports webTV debate programme Shooting Politics lay into the RSPB for its attacks on gamekeepers, its attempt to ‘monster’ countryside managers and its failure to offer an alternative that will provide Britain’s wild spaces with the conservation work that gamekeepers provide as part of their jobs.
This episode was filmed at the CLA GameFair, Belvoir Castle at 6pm on Saturday 25 July 2009. On the panel are: Geoff Garrod of the National Gamekeepers’ Association, Sporting Rifle editor Peter Carr, CLA deputy president William Worsley and BASC head of game and gamekeeping Tom Blades. The panel answered the questions:
* Can wildlife conservation in the UK survive without the help of shoots and gamekeepers?
* Do fish feel pain?
* Will the Conservatives deliver on their manifesto commitment for a vote on hunting?
* Why do the British feel distaste towards trophy hunting?
* Is there still a snobbish divide between over-and-under and side-by-side shotguns
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