If you’re serious about clay shooting competition, you need a proper clay gun – it really will make a difference to your scores, says West Country gunshop owner Ian Hodge. You don’t need to spend a fortune though. He picks out two guns that are more than up to the job: the Beretta 694 and the Browning 725 Pro Sport. They’re both priced around £3,000 and could take you to the very top of the sport. All you have to supply is the talent!

For more on this story, visit FieldsportsChannel.tv/competitionclayguns

For a selection of clay guns  from Ian Hodge Fieldsports, go to IanHodgeFieldsports.co.uk or find them on Kitfinder.co.uk

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Rizzini BR460 EL Sporter

youtu.be/VkPLBvGxBgY The BR460 EL Sporter is a serious claybusting gun, but also exquisitely made, with woodwork and engraving that lifts it above the run-of-the-mill competition

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