Dallas Safari Club steps up its conservation work

Dallas Safari Club is bumping up its conservation work. During its 2019 convention and expo in Dallas, USA, it brought together a group of top-level conservation experts to join the DSC Conservation Advisory Board. This new group is charged with the mission of providing subject matter expertise with both regional and global perspectives on needed research, program development and advocacy. It will advise and assist the DSC board of directors and the DSC grants committee on domestic and international conservation issues.

New board members include CIC director general Tamas Marghescu and professional hunter and president of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association Danene van der Westhuyzen.

Tamas Marghescu
Tamas Marghescu
Danene van der Westhuyzen
Danene van der Westhuyzen

It also comprises Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Jeff Crane, wildlife biologist and IUCN Central Asia Group chair Khalil Karimov, director of conservation for Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s Rob Keck, Shane Mahoney of Conservation Visions Inc from Newfoundland, executive director of the US Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Ron Regan and DSC executive director Corey Mason.

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