Best Dogfood 2020

It’s the results of our massive dog questionnaire, covering dogfood, dog breeds and dog boxes, and thanks to all who took part in it. Our Fieldtester surveys prompted 3,500 responses, which has given us some of the most comprehensive information about who owns what and what they think of out that the shooting industry has ever seen.

Firstly, what dogs do you all own? Nearly 900 of you replied to that survey on YouTube and Twitter and the answer is that labradors remain the most popular. 30% of you have a labrador, with English springer spaniels in second place at 21%, Cockers third at 17%, terriers at 14% and HPRs at 10%.  If you own dogs, you are most likely – 35% – to own two dogs, and one in six of you own four or more dogs.

30% of you have a labrador, with English springer spaniels in second place at 21%, Cockers third at 17%, terriers at 14% and HPRs at 10%


We had 278 responses to the dog food survey. According to our viewers, Dr John wins the prize for value for money and joint winners for quality are James Wellbeloved and Pedigree.

But most of you don’t choose those brands.

In second place is Chudleys with 5% of the Fieldsports Channel viewer market.

In first place, with 14% of you feeding your dogs with it, especially its popular Field & Trial range, it’s Skinners.


Dog owners are great DIYers. We asked about dog boxes and dogfood in this survey. Homemade dog boxes are the winner of the dog boxes survey (and people who feed raw or homemade dogfood come second in the dogfood survey, which 135 responded to). One of you points out he has an abattoir on site, which solves his dogfood problems.


Are you a dogfood manufacturer who wants to buy the results of this survey (names and addresses stripped out)? Please click here for our shop and instant download of our accessories survey


For the 80%+ of dog owners who are less self-sufficient the dog boxes, with 4% of the market each, in joint third place, are CAB and DT Boxes. CAB is slightly ahead on value for money, and DT Boxes wins on customer service.

In second place, with 12% of the market and a 100% score for quality is TransK9.

And the overall winner, with 18% of a market of Fieldsports Channel viewers, is Lintran.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

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