Fieldsports Britain – Wayne’s thermal catty hunt


Top catapult shot Wayne Martin is out after pests on Andy Crow’s farm – and he has a thermal spotter to help him do it. In his sights are squirrels, feral pigeons and even a goose – because he’s good enough. We also look at perruque deer. Oliver Rampley is a new kind of hunting guide, and he explains how he followed an extraordinary buck throughout the summer. The Fieldsports Channel viewers tell us about the knives they use. We have the results of our knife survey. And news editor Ben O’Rourke looks at Boris Johnson’s plan to ‘protect’ 30% of the UK’s land, with the help of Tim Bonner from the Countryside Alliance and Andrew Gilruth from the GWCT. Charlie has best hunting videos on YouTube in this week’s Hunting YouTube, and David is on the News Stump. Watch is all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

Catapult shooting
For Cattyshack, visit
For Pulsar’s Helion2 thermal spotter, go to

Perruque head
For Oliver’s website, visit

Boris’s biodiversity boost
Email Fieldsports Channel news editor Ben O’Rourke

Knives survey results
For Fieldtester, visit or go to its YouTube channel

Fieldsports News

Here are the links:
High Court allows BASC to join general licences review – Fieldsports News
Capgen 1: Petition to make trespass criminal could subvert sabs –
Cumbria police alter ‘illegal hunting’ poster after complaints – Facebook
Gamekeepers targeted after golden eagle tracker find – Guardian
Grantham man guilty of possessing goshawks – Grantham Journal
Venison industry ‘in peril’, says newspaper – Daily Telegraph
Perthshire gamekeepers ask for protection after attacks on estates – The Courier
Wold mauls horse mauled to death – Facebook
Details of Remington split revealed – Outdoor Wire
‘More hunting, less COVID’ – Twitter
Wolves attack US military personnel – Charlotte Observer
Fatally feisty fox has beef with cows

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Hunting YouTube

For our gun and hunting YouTube channel rankings visit

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