The big ‘green’ shotgun shell test – Fieldtester, episode 2



This month we go green and test the shotgun shells with the best eco credentials.

Presented by David Wright, Jason Doyle and Tim Pilbeam with help from Jack Clutterbuck from Raytrade they examine the top products the manufacturers and distributors have to offer.

Is it about steel is it about lead, is it about plastic? The guys discuss it all from animal welfare, to PR and ask what are the driving forced behind the changes?

We start with gel tests to compare lead vs steel penetration, then explore how they degrade in a soggy pocket and being submerged in a water bath for 24 hours. And what about those steel-proofed guns? do we need to see a cultural shift and stop handing our guns down and instead use, abuse and rebuild instead?

Alongside the shell test we ask Dr David Marlin, an animal physiologist to assess a sack of vegan (yup, vegan) dogfood. Is anything missing that would stop a working dog thriving on it?

We also hear from our gunshop gurus about the best springer on the market, best shotgun for under £2,000, how to maximise your trade-in and what happens if you don’t clean your moderator.

This show is about testing kit and asking questions. We certainly don’t have all the answers but we hope we can give consumersa better understanding of what’s out in the market.

For more about the cartridges we cover, visit:


Here are the links for the rest of the items:

Best shotguns for under £2,000

Best shotgun 2020

How does steel shot affect shotgun barrels?

How does steel shot affect shotgun barrels?


Why you need to clean your rifle sound moderator

Why you need to clean your rifle sound moderator
Freyr & Devik Moderators

Is vegan dogfood good for dogs?

Is vegan dogfood good for dogs?

For more from David Marlin, visit

Best value springer air rifle 2020

How much is my gun worth?

How much is my gun worth? Value my shotgun!

For more from Braces of Bristol, visit

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