Fieldsports Britain – Sussex Ratnado

David finds himself in a flailing maelstrom of terriers, vermin and men, women and children with sticks as he joins the Kent & Sussex Ratters for a farmyard foray. There are rats everywhere, and it’s their job to tease them out and into the smiling jaws of the terriers. On a more civilised level, James Marchington visits Henry Darling’s pheasant shoot in Norfolk, where Henry tries to solve the Mystery of the Missing Partridges. We are giving away Gun Dog Gin, the podcast this week is about wild meat and foraging, Meredyth has the news on the News Stump and the best hunting and shooting videos are on Charlie’s Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain.

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For Gun Dog Gin, go to +

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

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