Police target stolen quadbikes and lurcher boys

Police in Bedforshire have their hands full with illegal dog work. A shocking video on Twitter shows officers trying to catch suspected up to 100 lurcher boys.

The Bedford Independent news website reports that dozens of people travelled to Bedfordshire to take part in the illegal events on Wednesday 10 November. About 100 men were allegedly in attendance, with footage showing attendees cheering and trampling over a cereal crop.

Another video on social media shows vans and 4x4s driven through Bedford town centre. Occupants sit on roofs and hang out of windows, brandishing dead hares.

Meanwhile, police across the north of England are putting out positive reports about crackdowns on rural crime. In North Yorkshire, police deployed a stinger or spike strip to burst the tyres on a suspected stolen quad bike.  A check revealed the quad bike had been reported stolen from the Lincolnshire area earlier this year. 

Meanwhile, Lancashire Police stopped and searched two men, seized their vehicle and equipment and interviewed them for offences.

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