Fieldsports Britain – Scottish rewilding madness

Niall Rowantree and Dr Catghy Mayne go out after red hinds in Scotland in order to tell the story of Scottish Government wildlife policy and where it is going wrong. The new mania for wiping out deer in order to plant trees can only end, they say, in more deer. Meanwhile, better news on the rabbit front. Tom Davies on Dartmoor finds a rabbit revival. And Diggory Hadoke and BASC’s Dan Reynolds outline the timeline for the English government’s proposed ban on lead shot, lead pellets and lead bullets, and say what effect it will have on people with old guns. We have the latest from our Big Garden Pestwatch, we are giving away a Meopta riflescope priced at £617, David sits on the news stump, including action you can take to lobby DEFRA over pheasants and partridges, and Charlie brings you the hunting videos of the moment on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain

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