Nicole Moore looks after the greens on a Norfolk golf course with a rifle. With night vision, she is out to make every putt count by controlling the rabbits that dig extra holes for the golfers. She explains the job, why the golfers like her and what she does with the rabbits afterwards. We’re also bringing glamour to Cornish shooting. Our news correspondent Deborah Hadfield is at the Ian Hodge Fieldsports open day with a film crew recceing it for her forthcoming Christmas smash The Chocolate Club. And Andy Ford talks us through the Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival in Chichester and Hayling Island. We are giving away two butchery kits from Highland Outdoors priced at a total of £100, Robin Shedden from Cluny Guns talks about what to use for gameshooting if you are a lefthander, Meredyth is on the news stump, and James Marchington has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s another packed #FieldsportsBritain


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