Will it be a red stag or a billy goat? ‘Solway Stalker’ Colin Lockerbie offers both on his ground in Dumfried and Galloway. As part of his Stalking Success series, Paul Childerley is out with Colin to see what they can find.
Paul uses a Sako rifle www.gmk.co.uk
Clothing by Shooterking www.shooterking.com
To go stalking with Paul, visit www.childerleysporting.co.uk
For more from Colin, go to www.facebook.com/solwaystalker/
And here is our last outing with Colin: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6RO9fATAc
This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 358. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain358
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