Long-range Spanish ibex hunt
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WVe0d3yb6s Just as the ibex season is about to close, Paul Childerley heads to southern Spain to hunt the smallest of the Spanish ibex subspecies,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WVe0d3yb6s Just as the ibex season is about to close, Paul Childerley heads to southern Spain to hunt the smallest of the Spanish ibex subspecies,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmT9zleGbUY Paul Childerley thinks he has been invited across to Sako’s HQ in Finland to hunt moose and whitetail, but there’s a surprise in store.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXAzdPYn7zM It’s one of the most dramatic landscapes we have hunted. Paul Childerley is after Capercaillie in winter, with snow deep on the ground and
Explosive action as British big game hunter Paul Childerley hunts buffalo in the Mozambique bush. He finds out about poaching, poisoning and just how dangerous
www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTAqhfTQCpM Paul’s out stalking with Mark Bellamy in Wiltshire. The pair of them start by showing they are not flyfishers. However, they prove they certainly
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwbx5CBOidk Paul Childerley is out to protect his ducks tonight. It’s been a big year for foxes and he has the latest thermal kit from
www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxUpelY0Ruc Paul Childerley is on a three-day pest control job in Portugal, shooting wild boar or ‘javali’. It’s a driven hunt to bring down pressure
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM49JivegNs Gamekeeper Paul Childerley is used to shooting problem foxes out in the countryside. Now a local poultry owner wants him to take out a
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ydhLV1A87w Rabbits are munching their way through the crops on ground Paul manages in Bedfordshire. Paul Childerley has tried many ways of reducing their numbers
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qakHmR1sk88 Katie Hargeaves used to stick to a plant-based diet. Then she discovered venison – wild, sustainable, low food miles, and she is entirely in
www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPhdqtftYoI UK deer manager Paul Childerley is hunting moose in Swedish Lapland. He came close to seeing one in Finland a few years ago. This
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gITICgdFho It’s one of the finest sporting outings a shooter can enjoy. Paul goes walked-up ptarmigan shooting over setters in Swedish Lapland. The birds are
How do you whistle in a sika stag? It’s the sika rut in North-West Scotland. Deer manager John Dodd takes two guests out to stalk
www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cuDAomm3yo Home counties deer manager Paul Childerley is on his first roestalking trip north of the Border. He is in Aberdeenshire with Sergio Couto of
www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HZEl0Yi43s Ed Solomons has a problem with his latest clayshooting pupil. Paul Childerley is a fast-action gameshooter, great on birds travelling near to him and
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUjIc-LqtuY Paul Childerley and Johnny Muston are on a squirrel-shooting mission – and they knock down a couple of dozen. The invasive grey squirrels are
Rooks and pigeons are hitting a maize crop. With the cost of feed, Paul Childerley is especially keen to shoot a few of them, so
youtu.be/-T_A5WyO1gk Shooting deer is hard work. Paul Childerley has his work cut out thinning the various deer species on his ground in Bedfordshire. Paul is
Out with a gun and a dog, gamekeeper Paul Childerley is keeping an eye on his ground while enjoying his shooting. It’s all the
Katie Hargreaves goes deerstalking with Paul Childerley. What’s unusual is that Katie is a vegan. She sees sustainable hunting as part of her veganism.
Gamekeeper Paul Childerley goes duck shooting. There’s a pond on his shoot in Bedfordshire that’s away from the main duck ponds, and it is
Gamekeeper Paul Childerley finishes his rounds looking after pheasants and ducks, and then he takes time to carry out shoot management. Today, it is
Shooterking’s Huntflex is a range of clothing aimed at most gameshooting and stalking styles. We talk to two professionals about how they use it.
Charlie Jacoby is above Helmsdale in the North Highlands of Scotland with professional stalker John Dodd. John is guiding Charlie on to a red
Deer manager Paul Childerley has plenty of muntjac on his ground in Bedfordshire, and takes clients out to stalk them. He is an expert on
UK deerstalker Paul Childerley heads to Hungary, where he is spoiled for choice. There are big bucks and huge red stags around every corner. The
Game chef Cai Ap Bryn is hauling in brown trout and cooking them on an open fire. He is on a hunting trip with his
Deer manager Paul Childerley shoots a lot of Chinese water deer on his ground in Bedfordshire every year, plus he has stalking clients he takes
It is part two of Paul’s Portuguese driven hunt. He is on farmland in the heart of the country where he is protecting farms from
Paul Childerley travels to Portugal for a traditional montería. We are in the rural heart of the country, and wild boar are causing problems for
As she learns the ways of deer hunting, Carly Coates joins Paul Childerley. They are out after a Chinese water deer buck, a tiny
Paul Childerley is looking after his ground in Gloucestershire. He was there the other day to shoot roe and ran into muntjac. This time he
Paul Childerley has a special call he has not revealed on Fieldsports Channel before. All of his deerstalking friends have their secret techniques, but Paul’s
How do you get the most from a small deer in the shortest possible time? Paul Childerley shows how to butcher a Chinese water deer,
Paul Childerley is in Hungary using thermal imaging kit to track down wild boar at night. He is using the Pulsar Helion to protect blueberries.
He Li is a target shooter and he has been on a few lowland stalks. This is his first time on the hill in the
What are the best bullets for roebuck? Paul Childerley tries out Gamehead Pro cartridges from ammunition manufacturer Sako after a roebuck in the south-east
Paul Childerley guides hunters, new, old, experienced and, in this case, practically vegetarian. Imogen has not only not shot a deer before, she doesn’t even
Paul Childerley is after squirrels. They are chewing up the water pipes in his pheasant pens, and this is the time of year they greys
It’s the end of a long pheasant day and how does Paul Childerley relax? He invites a friendly local keeper over to go duck flighting.
Paul Childerley shows what it takes to be a modern gamekeeper. He is working on his shoot in Bedfordshire, bringing on young birds and getting
It is early September and gamekeeper Paul Childerley will be shooting in a few weeks time. He takes delivery of a second tranche of partridges
It’s started. Gamekeeper Paul Childerley has taken delivery of his pheasants on the shoot in Bedfordshire. Now he has to be Pheasant Supernanny and keep
Can you have too much gun when you’re shooting squirrels. Gamekeeper Paul Childerley says he has to use a .22-250 because he cannot get close
Top deerstalking guide Paul Childerley has a new assistant. He teaches young Sam the dark arts of being the perfect deer guide on a muntjac
Paul Childerley becomes ‘The Childernator’. The working gamekeeper is protecting his cover crops from corvids and even doing good work as a goose scarer. Plus
Here’s what to feed your pheasants. We go behind the scenes at Mardens Feeds to find out what goes into their sacks of game bird
Deer manager Paul Childerley is in Gloucestershire to stalk and cull roebucks. On a glorious English summer’s evening, what better way is there to shake
Paul Childerley does all his own stunts… he tries to kill the Shooterking Venatu jacket using gamekeeping resources. See how he gets on. ▶ For
We look at the hunt from the other side of the deer. Watch Jason Doyle and Paul Childerley stalk in on a group of Chinese
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