New hunting video awards 2017 – enter now

David Wright
Delighted: judge David Wright

At last: an awards for hunting videos on YouTube. Fieldsports Channel is on the judging panel of The Monocular Video Awards 2017.

Sponsored by Blaser, Sitka and Garmin, the most public votes for your video wins you a Blaser R8 Professional Success rifle worth £2,200.

The second most public votes wins a Garmin VIRB 360 camera worth £650. All award winners in each category will receive a Sitka Gear package of their choosing with a value of €1,000.

The Monocular, which is based in Denmark, welcomes videos of hunting and shooting from all over the world. There is no lower or upper limit to video length.

“It’s high time someone set up a hunting video award, and we are delighted to be on the judging panel,” says Fieldsports Channel’s David Wright. “Kuiu runs an award in the USA but #TVMA17 is the first truly international award.”

The categories are:

  • Best Hunting Clip of the Year: a short clip from your phone or camera that’s raw and unedited, and shows a nice shot, a funny moment or breathtaking scenery.
  • Best Hunting Video of the Year: This is the awared for longer, edited videos.
  • Best Professional Hunting Video: award for the most outstanding and inspired work that hunters make professionally or in collaboration with brands.
  • Best Gundog Video: A raw film clip or longer, edited film, this celebrates high standards of dog training.
  • Community Honour Award of the Year: Nominate the shooter/hunter you know who inspires us to get outside, become better and more responsible, and helps hunting culture thrive . No film needed, just submit a name and your reason.

Videos have to be in by 31 October 2017 and the winners will be announced at a livestreamed event in Copenhagen on 14 December 2017.


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