Here are the links:
Wild Justice loses Wales pest control lawsuit – Fieldsports News
Scottish cops deny freedom of information request over ‘deer-in-water-gate’ – Fieldsports News
Channel 4 airs pro-shooting documentary series – Channel 4
Packham picks on prince over ‘trophy’ hunting – Daily Express
Bison rangers wanted: no experience necessary – The Guardian
BASC encourages shooters to fill in government gun survey – BASC
British Shooting Show cancelled due to lockdown – Shooting Show
ITV News hits new low in anti-hunting campaign – ITV and footage from the show on YouTube
Unsavoury sabs dupe US clothing brand – Twitter
During the 2020 lockdown, wildlife crime soared. Badgers and raptors were illegally persecuted on shooting estates. Join Patagonia grantee @MoorlandMonitor and urge people taking their permitted outdoor exercise to be extra vigilant. Record and report any concerns.
— patagoniaeurope (@patagoniaeurope) January 5, 2021
Dozens dead after dogs massacre sheep in Wales – Facebook
Aussie antis slam shooters over duck debacle – Victoria government
Druglord hippos on the loose – National Geographic
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