Natural England in muirburn muddle – Fieldsports News, 3 February 2021

Here are the links:
Government thinks heather burning damages peat bogs – Government press release
GWCT muirburn reaction – GWCT
Mars Bar vs Muirburn film – Facebook
Peak District Moorland Group burns over ice – Facebook
Bumpy end to 2020/21 game season – Facebook
Avian influenza touches down in Anglesey
Minister wants to stop teens shooting airguns – Fieldsports News
Deerstalker processes ‘too many’ animals – Sunday World
Holyrood holds back covid cash from shoots – government website
Scottish deer/road accident policy is a car crash
Beretta buys Holland & Holland
Hunting tourism pays for wildlife – Fieldsports News
PETA forces South African president to back hunting – African Outfitter
Californians don’t buy bear hunt ban – Instagram
SCI launches new airgun record book – SCI
Tiger traps shooters in tree – Twitter

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