Magpies face shooting ban in Wales – Fieldsports News, episode 623

Here are the links:

Welsh plan to restrict magpie shooting – consultation

Hunt opening meets take place as National Trust plans ban – Facebook

Scottish Government plans foxhunting clampdown – consultation  + YouTube

Animal rights extremists lie to Parliament – Fieldsports News 

Are police randomly revoking certificates? – BASC

RFD gets suspended sentence for illegal gun parts – East Anglian Daily Times

Bird charity aims birdcrime allegations at gamekeepers – RSPB

Guntrader changes owners due to ‘compensation culture’ – Fieldsports News

Argyllshire to become Scotland’s Amazon – The Scotsman

HN51 strikes in North Wales – BBC

Police caution the anti who called them out on gooseshooters – Facebook

Russian politician in elk meat scandal – YouTube

▶ To watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 623, visit

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