South Africa hunter’s Instagram account deleted after antis complain

Jason Stone

A hunter in South Africa has had a social media account deleted after complaints by antis.

Jason Stone, who runs safaris across Africa, says Instagram closed his account after “a bunch of anti hunters” launched an attack. He had more than 10,000 followers after building up his profile over the past year.

Since Facebook and Instagram are the same company, he tried to contact Facebook support to get help. The pictures he posts on Instagram are ‘basically the same’, he says, as those he posts on Facebook and they’re still all there.

Not surprisingly, trying to actually talk to anyone at a social media company is extremely difficult and it was a week before he got through to someone who could help him.

He says he’s shocked Instagram is biased against hunters and “people who contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars towards the conservation and protection of our wildlife”. All he wants is his account back.

Several people who commented said the censorship was ‘disturbing’.

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