Dartmoor Deer Services

www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbxWP2dMPdE Professional deer manager Tom Davies of Dartmoor Deer Services is out to shoot or at least spot three species of deer today. Dartmoor, where he lives, has the habitat for red deer, fallow and roe. He starts his day with a fallow cull outing on a local pheasant shoot. Then he heads into one […]
Badger cull data leak: what’s next and what victims should do

The anti-badger cull brigade are not happy. After the English government apparently promised to reduce the number of culls, it’s instead added 11 more. So it’s possible the huge leak of data at the weekend identifying hundreds of people involved in badger culls may be traced to a sympathiser within DEFRA, the English […]
Go spearfishing in the UK

Ollie Williams goes spearfishing in Cornwall with harpoon master Mat Coombe. Mat calls it ‘underwater deerstalking’ (and he loves his deerstalking, too). They are after bass and mullet. Plus Mat explains how they dodge the UK water companies’ sewage pollution. For Mat’s favourite spearfishing shop, go to Spearfishing.co.uk For more from Cai, visit GameandFlames.com Click […]
Sabs hit shoots – Fieldsports News, 19 August 2020

Here are the links Sabs target Glorious Twelfth – Fieldsports News Animal rights extremists try to sway Scottish government – SGA press release and Scottish government press release SGA dismisses antis’ trap report as ‘propaganda’ – Scottish parliament PDF British Deer Society venison webinar – YouTube Game fair to open up ‘for the whole […]
Best hearing protection for shooters 2020

www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vo4kz What do you wear on or in your ears when you go shooting? Listen up: out of the 3,500 of you who responded to our lockdown kit survey in the spring, 435 completed the survey on hearing protection. It’s something we have been pushing on Fieldsports Channel, especially with Roy Lupton going so deaf. […]
Fieldsports Britain – The Undersea World of Cai Ap Bryn

We’re hunting under the warm waters of the English south coast. Game chef Cai Ap Bryn loads up his speargun to search the sea for bass, pollock, wrasse and lobster, and then to cook up a super seafood barbecue for some of the top names in spearfishing. It’s a growing sport – and the […]
Spearfishing kit – everything you need to get started

Taking up spearfishing? Here’s some of the kit you need, recomended by Laith Dajani, who manages Spearfishing.co.uk You can get yourself fully kitted out for as little as £425. That buys you: Wetsuit Laith recomends a Jak Boeno jacket and trousers as the best budget option for wetsuits. There are many other good brands […]
Sabs target Glorious Twelfth shoot

The Hunt Saboteurs Association claims it successfully disrupted a shoot on the first day of this year’s grouse season creating what it calls a ‘not so Glorious Twelfth’. “Over 100 sabs descended on the Northern Peak District,” it claims. But it admits that after a few hours, the sabs couldn’t find any shoots to shut […]
‘You’re next’: extremist sabs issue threats to badger cullers, offer cash for info

“Let’s see how they like being hunted,” said Stop The Cull on its Facebook page, the day after a post was removed for revealing personal information about people supposedly involved in badger culls. Exactly how the people will be ‘hunted’ it does not explain, but the post echoes fanatical rhetoric that triggers alarm bells at […]
How to sponsor a hound

Hunts all over the country offer hound sponsorship – and it’s probably cheaper than you think. Typically, they send you photos in a frame of the hounds you choose, a certificate and an enamel badge. Sponsoring a hound costs as little as £10 for the season and makes a great present. The money makes a […]