Falconers are not impressed. Joshua Hammer wrote The Falcon Thief about Jeffrey Lendrum, who smuggled falcon eggs to middle-eastern clients. Lendrum was jailed in 2018.
However, top falconer Nick Fox says why Lendrum’s story is not important when you compare it to the healthy, regulated trade in falcons between the UK and the Middle East.
Hammer tells Ben O’Rourke why his story is controversial.
▶ For Nick Fox’s work, visit Falcons.co.uk
▶ For the UK police version of Lendrum’s arrest, go to www.nwcu.police.uk/news/nwcu-police-press-releases/four-and-a-half-years-imprisonment-for-international-falcon-smuggler/
▶ Buy the books on Amazon: The Falcon Thief by Joshua Hammer and Understanding the Bird of Prey by Nick Fox.