Will Ireland climb down over pigeon-shooting? – Fieldsports News, 20 May 2020


Here are the links:

Irish government likely to u-turn on pigeon-shooting ban Fcha.nl
Antis persecute Peak District gamekeeper Fcha.nl
RSPB tries to mount anti-gamekeeping campaign Fcha.nl
Facebook removes offensive sab post after complaints
Capercaillie project a ‘waste of cash’ – GWCT PDF

Vinnie promotes mental health campaign at clayground – YouTube
Clothing company puts on mayfly festival – Facebook
Cat owners told: keep kitties indoors – Guardian
Lithuania bowhunting law scrapped after backlash from antis Fcha.nl
$60-million hunting estate for sale – Daily Mail
‘I forgot the keys’ – Facebook


To watch the whole show, visit Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain547

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