Driven shooting with the Browning 825
We join world champion clay shooter Sam Green on a lovely frosty January day at his shoot in Suffolk, to try out the new Browning
We join world champion clay shooter Sam Green on a lovely frosty January day at his shoot in Suffolk, to try out the new Browning
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_OVq-5DAI Browning is launching its 825 shotgun, a historic milestone marking 100 years since the renowned B25 over-and-under. The gunmaker does it in style, inviting
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z2ZVslPc4IEd Swales and Ronan Brown from Hunting Kind join Charlie Jacoby in the Carter Jonas theatre at the Game Fair 2024, to explain how hunting
After a successful squirrel eradication programme in the winter, disaster strikes in the summer. A dozen good-quality oak trees are dead and all the indications
Fishing livebait for snook off Marco Island in the Gulf of Mexico takes rare skill. Captain Chris Broome has that skill. He shows how to
Once they were pets. Now they are pests. Iguanas join a list of reptiles including monitor lizards and Burmese pythons that people have bought, kept,
youtu.be/mmEs8VDu_O4 Charlie is on a plainsgame hunt in South Africa with the Northern Cape Professional Hunting School, where he has trouble with hartebeest and learns
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wcf32tsaVM What to look for in a foxhound: Charlie travels to the Irish Masters of Foxhounds Association 2023 hound show at Stradbally Hall, where the
www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-Fi8ElBodE John Dodd is trying to meet his cull roebuck targets and Charlie is not helping. Instead of a nice sensible bolt-action with an expensive
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUrtlGXmAvE Nick Doherty and his wife Laura Saunsbury live in France so they can carry on shooting. Nick shows Charlie around his local range and
www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Rw0YM7lK4 Charlie buys a combination rifle from Gibbs Gunmakers (12-bore and .243, £1,500) and sets out to see whether it is the all-round gun he
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM5HHl0SVS0 As the field and garden songbirds get underway with breeding, Charlie is defending his bird table from one of their major predators: the grey
youtu.be/5TvPZ2vx3Ss Charlie chats to artist and not-very-vegan Katie Hargreaves, who is squaring her green beliefs with her keenness to go hunting and source her own
www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGRtNccwrjQ Charlie is fishing for carp on the fly in South Africa. He is on the Vanderkloof Dam, one of the biggest bodies of water
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had a lifelong love of the countryside. Born in Mayfair, she once told a friend that, if she hadn’t been Queen,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUnPyn9SyaI It’s explosive sport. Quail burst from almost under your feet and streak off in all directions. You have to pick your birds carefully, and
Lord Zac Goldsmith wants to ban trophy imports to the UK because he thinks it will help wildlife. He could not be more wrong, as
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIM98TznHFc Charlie goes to ShotShow 2022 in Las Vegas to find empty stands and missing gun trade companies – the show is a victim of
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JS3jLV48LI What’s the sporting approach to shooting a fly? Charlie Jacoby reviews the Bug-A-Salt V3.0 ‘Orange Crush’ fly shotgun, which uses compressed air and salt
by Ben O’Rourke BBC TV’s Chris Packham wanted a debate that would lead to a ban on grouseshooting. Instead, he got a resounding thumbs-up for
Charlie Jacoby is out with Mark Reams after fallow deer in Victoria, Australia, on farmland outside Melbourne, and speaks to Simon Toop from Game Victoria.
Charlie Jacoby goes out with duck hunters Glenn Falla and Paul Rahman, who shoot some birds and cook up a feast afterwards. Plus he talks
Charlie Jacoby follows hunter Casey Poletti in Victoria, Australia, shooting black duck. For more from Outdoor Sporting Agencies, visit OSAAustralia.com.au
It’s one of the best shoots in the country. Ashcombe Estate in Devon provides superb pheasant and partridge drives up one of the county’s
We join a team of guns including Andy Crow, Paul Childerley and Olympic gold medalist Peter Wilson to try out a new simulated shoot
Charlie Jacoby is above Helmsdale in the North Highlands of Scotland with professional stalker John Dodd. John is guiding Charlie on to a red
Charlie Jacoby If kayak flyfishers are calling their sport flyaking – which is a hideous word IMHO that will be the first against the wall
Trophy hunting has saved the urial wild sheep. That’s the conclusion of environmentalist Billy Offland, who visited a game reserve in Pakistan to see
Browning kidnaps Fieldsports Channel! No, it’s not so terrible. Browning simulcasts it #athome vlog on its Facebook page and Fieldsports’ YouTube channel. Adrien Koutny
Charlie Jacoby’s bird table has lots of songbirds – but it also attracts rats and squirrels, and he wants them gone. He tries out various
Andy Crow is on form for his pheasant shoot day in Bedfordshire – and he is joined by Jason Doyle, David Wright, and Charlie Jacoby
What happens when a load of precision dark-ops fox shooters put on tweed and a tie to go on a driven partridge day? That’s what
Want to learn to fish? Edmund Jacoby heads to the the Arundell Arms in Devon for their polar flyfishing beginners’ course, led by the remarkable
Jay Tiernan is a militant vegan, who stamps on badger traps and condones the cutting of wire to release pheasants from game farms. The face
It’s the battle for who runs the countryside: Dr Mark Avery is part of the Wild Justice group which successfully stopped the general licences, he
Charlie Jacoby is at the #huntingsummit2019 in Tuscany, where co-sponsors Swarovski, Steyr Arms, norma ammunition and Sitka clothing have built a rifle range into the
Charlie Jacoby heads to Shanxi Province in China, where pheasants come from, and goes shooting on 200 sq km of open country above the Yellow
Probably the maddest horse race in the country, more than 60 horses signed up for the Ledbury Hunt’s Golden Button challenge on Saturday 23 February
Blake Fewster makes some of the prettiest in-car gun cabinets that money can buy. Charlie Jacoby meets him, finds out about his cabinets and picks
Charlie Jacoby looks out for new and spectacular hunting and shooting kit at the 2019 ShotShow, including: ▶ Winchester Extreme Point Copper Impact ammunition ▶
Did you know that hare density is 18 times higher in coursing areas than in non-coursing areas? That’s the conclusion of research by Queen’s University,
‘A Father’s Advice’ was written by a member of Parliament, Mark Hanbury Beaufoy, who gave it to his 15-year-old son at Christmas 1902 along with
Boar in Turkey are truly enormous and cause colossal damage to crops including rice. The locals don’t hunt them – boar meat is ‘haram’ (forbidden)
On the Swedish island of Ven, hares reach pest proportions. They have no natural predators. There are no foxes on the island so, every year,
A party of guns is getting ready for the game season – and how better to do that than on a ‘simulated’ shoot? – clay
Charlie’s off with his dad to sort out the scourge of the cabbages with a shotgun. Yes – he is shooting butterflies Unlike most butterflies,
Charlie Jacoby goes to High Lodge shooting ground in Suffolk to look at the airgun range there. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 34. To
Charlie reckons he has a squirrel in his garden that he can mount on his wall – a rare piebald squirrel! Well… see how he
On test, we have the Laserware ND-100 Glacier, a piece of kit best used for rabbiting or foxshooting, but Charlie wants to try it out
Let’s go behind the scenes at Fieldsports Channel with episode 2 of the Fieldsports Podcast (here brought to life on YouTube with a little light
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