First dual winner for the Golden Button – Britain’s craziest horse race

Probably the maddest horse race in the country, more than 60 horses signed up for the Ledbury Hunt’s Golden Button challenge on Saturday 23 February 2019. We go behind the scenes to find out what it’s all about.

Winner, for the second year running, was Yvonne Goss riding Untilla Legend – aka Jaffa. She becomes the first dual winner of the race. Point-to-point riders Rowan Cope, Peter Bull and Ed Bailey filled the next three places. All 45 horses and riders who came under orders were unscathed by the gruelling four-mile chase along the banks of the River Severn near Forthampton in the Ledbury Hunt country.

Yvonne Goss
Yvonne Goss

Two other former winners were less fortunate than Goss and failed to complete the course. Dominic Gwyn-Jones, who won the 2015 edition on Another Puzzle, was taken out by a loose horse while former jockey Paul Carberry, who won the event in 2009, was felled by another faller.

Click here for a full report or search #ledburygoldenbutton

For the Golden Button challenge, go to
The Ledbury Hunt website is
Watch the Ledbury Hunt in action here:

Thanks to:
Stuart Dubois on YouTube
Charlie Redvers on  YouTube
Luke Arnall

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 483

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