Not a very ‘Good Morning Britain’ with Chris Packham

As the general licences chaos rumbles on, Packham has been on British television at his manipulating worst. Speaking to Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, he has been manipulating the truth, claming there are no records of pest birds. That’s a lie. The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust has been keeping a pest bird census […]
Fieldsports Britain – General Licences Havoc

Crow’s out after jackdaws just before the government withdraws the general licences. He has a good day – but he explains what the havoc caused by Chris Packham means for farmers. Cai Ap Bryn is cooking pigeon and rabbit, and showing how to do it to a group of people who didn’t realise wild meat […]
Crow hits the jackdaws – just before Packham’s ban – Crowhow

Andy Crow has one more chance to shoot the jackdaws and keep them off his bean crop. The jackdaws are digging up and eating the young beans. The problem today is that the UK government – forced by animal rights activist Chris Packham – is about to ban pest bird shooting. The government agency concerned, […]
The appetite for game meat – Hunt & Cook

You’d be amazed how many people don’t know the first thing about meat they can shoot for themselves. That’s what makes Cai Ap Bryn’s outdoor cookery courses so attractive. We join him on a Game &B Flames course in Sussex woodland and find out how to prepare pigeon and rabbit. ▶ This item is […]
Knife buyer’s guide

Knife maker Phil Siddell explains the three things to look for in a new knife: tang, steel and edge geometry. ▶ Find Phil on Instagram ▶ His new website is ▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets you Fieldsports Channel membership. Click here This item appears on YouTube in […]
Sea Eagles take lambs: Fieldsports News, 1 May 2019

Here is this week’s news stump: ▶ Sea eagles catch lambs ▶ Packham manipulates the media ▶ Piers Morgan’s anti-hunting crusade ▶ Game meat feeds the homeless ▶ Lurcher man gets prison for deer attacks ▶ Beaver shooting banned in Scotland ▶ Scottish salmon die in algal bloom ▶ Knights Order of St John […]
Piers Morgan blathers at elephant hunter

Celebrity anti-hunting campaigner Piers Morgan is floored on his own chat show, by a hunter who calmly explains to him how the maths of elephant hunting works. Morgan loses his temper with big game hunter Ron Thomson on the ITV show Good Morning Britain, who quietly justifies his reasoning for shooting around 5,000 elephants over […]