Rabbits are munching their way through the crops on ground Paul manages in Bedfordshire. Paul Childerley has tried many ways of reducing their numbers and it’s getting desperate. Now he and Carlos Carubis ar going to mount the quadbke, armed with a semi-auto and shoot them under the lamp.
More on rabbits
Shooting the fox that retrieves rabbits
Pest controller Simon Grimmer is after rabbits and foxes at a livery yard in Surrey, close to the M25 motorway. The rabbits damage pasture and
Shooting rabbits at 200 yards with a .22LR
How far away would you shoot a rabbit with a .22 rimfire? 50 yards? 60? Maybe even 80? That’s nothing to Robert Bucknell’s gamekeeper friend,
Old v new thermal for rabbit shooting
What do you do with your old thermal kit when you upgrade to the latest gear? You could sell it on – but Essex farmer
Quickfire rabbits
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij-6ktI7Exs Tom Davies shows off fast shooting with a .17HMR, controlling rabbits on farmland in Devon. He has a new rifle and he has to
Golf course rabbit control
Nicole Moore, Instagram’s Shooting Girl with an Afro, has taken on rabbit control duties at a golf course close to her home in Norfolk, where
Recipe: smoked rabbit on an open fire
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zkwE85uINE Joe Wood (@high_elms) hot smokes rabbit loins over an open fire. Firstly, he cures them, sprinkling on a mixture of salt, sugar, star anise,