It’s the roe deer rut. Equipped, as he is, with Luptonite, deerstalker Roy Lupton is able to bring in not just roe does and roe bucks but a surprised stoat with his buttolo call. Roy is being a ‘goldilocks’ stalker. He doesn’t want to shoot a buck that’s too small or one that’s going to be too big – it has to be just right.
Meanwhile, at the clay ground, champion shot Mark Winser shows how to shoot driven grouse. And Jaf Jefferson is on poor-man’s grouse – pigeons – in Somerset keeping them off rape stubble that’s about to be drilled. There’s a link to our latest podcast, there’s David on the News Stump, and Charlie rounds up the best hunting videos of the week in Hunting YouTube: a bumper episode of #FieldsportsBritain
Here are the links:
▶ Roe rut
You can buy the Buttolo roe call on Amazon
Click here for all of Roy’s films on Fieldsports Channel
▶ Grouse practice
The film is sponsored by Gamebore
We filmed it at Royal Berkshire Shooting School
For Mark Winser Coaching, visit
Click here for all of Mark’s films on Fieldsports Channel
▶ Pigeon shooting
Jaf’s own YouTube channel
Click here for all of Jaf’s films on Fieldsports Channel
▶ Big Bag Days podcast
Charlie Jacoby chairs a panel at the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2018 on driven pheasant and grouse shooting. On the panel are Shooting Times editor Patrick Galbraith, Simon Hart MP, sporting agent and gunmaker Mark Osborne, and GWCT chairman Sir Jim Paice, chairman.
▶ News is sponsored by Percussion
Poachers slaughter fallow deer herd
Hunting supporter Lord Blencathra becomes deputy chairman of Natural England
Deerstalking UK is giving away an Emberleaf knife
Phillip Bronkhorst from finds dead rhino
Fieldsports Channel clocks up more than 100 million views on YouTube
YouTube selects Fieldsports Channel to trial its new Series feature
For a full news round-up, go to
▶ Here are the films in Hunting YouTube