Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s crackdown on greys

Save a red – shoot a grey. Is this Manchester United vs Norwich City? Nope – it’s Roy Lupton’s conservation call to the nation and it’s all about squirrels. The airgunners of Anglesey did it. They successfully shot all the grey squirrels on the island and made it safe for red squirrels, which are doing well there. Airgunning groups from Cornwall to Cumbria are trying to do the same. Roy is at it in Kent. No hope of bringing back red squirrels in the short term, but his work should save a few trees and songbirds. Plus we look at British bowhunting and join Gary Rawlings as he goes to South Africa after kudu and warthog. We have an exclusive offer for Olight torches, David is on sab-watch on the News Stump and Charlie names the top Hunting YouTube channels in the world in this week’s episode of #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:



To go hunting with Guy Swart, visit
For the British Bowhunters Association, visit

Fieldsports Nation Exclusive OfferOlight Array

Sorry – we sold out. Click here to shop at Olight

Fieldsports News

Love Island contestant sacked over trophy hunting snaps – The Independent
Masked antis arrested – Countryside Alliance
Swedish and English join Irish – Limerick Leader
Judge cleared of attacking hunt protestors – Daily Mail
Muntjac symposium – British Deer Society
Forestry Commission takes deer management in-house – job ads here and here
Environmentalists threaten stalking guides – local newspaper
Goatgate bleats on – Daily Record
Anti spin doctors botch video – local newspaper
Johnson hypocrisy over hunting ban – The Times and government consultation (please take part)
PETA and Packham blame meat-eaters for Australian bushfires – Facebook
Channel 4 invests in veggie burgers – Twitter
Apocalypse Cow – The Guardian
Rugby referee Nigel Owens defends farmers – Twitter
Animal sanctuary must disclose vegan funding source – Facebook
Rewilding movement’s land grab – The Independent
‘Rare’ albino pheasants make the news – Daily Post
Wolf stalks hiker and baby – Facebook
US gun sales could be tracked by credit card – local newspaper
Father and daughter hunting deaths – YouTube
Guinness World Records disallows three-mile shot – local newspaper
India bids to host Commonwealth Games 2022 shooting – press release
US mountain goat cull – USA Today
3D printed shotgun cartridges – local newspaper

Hunting YouTube
For our gun and hunting YouTube channel rankings visit
For the films in this week’s Hunting YouTube:

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