Fieldsports Britain – Bouncing Tyre, Laughing Pilbeam

Tim Pilbeam is learning to shoot sideways. He has the new Acro red dot sight from Aimpoint to play with. It’s a sight you can clamp to your scope so you can still take long-range shots and, when the animals get up close, you can twist your rifle and shoot through your Acro. He shows how, with the help of Cai Ap Bryn, our resident tyre kicker. Cai rolls tyres down a hill for Tim to shoot (no expense spared). That’s not all. We have the results of our Fieldtester shotguns survey, and we head to England’s uplands to explode a few Chris Packham porky pies about hen harriers. We look at how well the bird is doing this year, thanks to gamekeepers. David is on the News Stump and Charlie has Hunting YouTube, all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

Aimpoint Acro
For more information about the Acro, go to or email

Top Shotguns 2020
For results, visit For Fieldtester, visit

Hen harriers
Click here for the film. Visit the websites of  GWCT and NBPC  who took part


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Fieldsports News

Paul McCartney wants meat taken off school dinner menus – Vegan magazine
Expat boasts biggest mirror caught by a Brit – Anglers Mail
Rhinos at risk as private landowners’ de-investment rises – Academic study
Safari Club wins six-year battle over import ban – SCI
Canadian ‘Pig Save’ protester killed by truck carrying pigs – Globe & Mail
Vegan vows to keep terrorising farmers – Daily Mail
Kiwi government plans to wipe out another non-native – Facebook


Hunting YouTube

For our gun and hunting YouTube channel rankings visit

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