Fox smashes up kitchen

A fox went on the rampage in a couple’s home. It left such a mess they thought they had stumbled on a murder scene.

Malcom Gerrard, 58, and his partner Katie Hayward went downstairs to investigate a huge crash in their kitchen. Painter and decorator Malcolm told the Isle of Wight County Press newspaper: “I thought we were being burgled when I heard this huge crash. When I got downstairs it genuinely looked like a murder scene. He’d cut his paw and there was blood everywhere.”

Malcolm Gerrard and Katie Hayward
Malcolm Gerrard and Katie Hayward

The fox had jumped up on to the kitchen units and smashed plates and glasses. It had crept into the house in Ryde, Isle of Wight, through the back door.

Malcolm told reporters “I managed to stop him running into my computer and got a bite for my troubles. It was just a puncture but he had sharp little teeth and it drew blood.”

Malcolm’s hand

The RSPCA removed the animal and took it to a vet. Malcolm needed a tetanus jab and some antibiotics for his injuries.

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